MOVE IT! by bike

Moving The World To A Greener Future

MOVE IT! by bike has been serving New Orleans by moving stuff since August of 2013 using a bicycle and a trailer that can haul 600lbs.  

Out Of Africa

Anna was in Uganda and needed her things moved from the 6100 block of South Claiborne to the 2400 block of Broadway; so her cousin, Katrina, called MOVE IT! by bike to make the arrangements.  The two crew members that had promised to do the job did not show so Tim called Freddie and they stepped in to do the job.  It took two trips but Freddie and Tim moved a couch, stiffed chair, dining table, three chairs, a dresser with a mirror, a full sized bed, a desk and chair and a few boxes.  It took 4 hours and 30 minutes and Anna was billed $270.00.

Advertising, Deliveries, Distribution, Loading and Unloading, Packing and Unpacking,

Furniture Assembly, Appliance Installation, Furniture Moving, Appliance Moving,

Office and Apartment Relocation; we will

MOVE IT! by bike