MOVE IT! by bike

Moving The World To A Greener Future

MOVE IT! by bike has been serving New Orleans by moving stuff since August of 2013 using a bicycle and a trailer that can haul 600lbs.  

Chifforobe and Two Dressers

MOVE IT! by bike was asked to move a chifforobe and two dressers from the 1500 block of Prytania Street to the 800 block of Louque Place.  Each was removed from a different apartment in the same building.  The chifforobe was the largest and also was on the second floor and had to be maneuvered down narrow and twisted steps.  But all the pieces were moved out and loaded and secured on two trailers and peddled 5.3 miles to their new location.  There they were unloaded and put into place where the resident instructed.  The job took 2 hours and our client was charged $160 and added a little lagniappe for our movers. 

Advertising, Deliveries, Distribution, Loading and Unloading, Packing and Unpacking,

Furniture Assembly, Appliance Installation, Furniture Moving, Appliance Moving,

Office and Apartment Relocation; we will

MOVE IT! by bike