MOVE IT! by bike

Moving The World To A Greener Future

MOVE IT! by bike has been serving New Orleans by moving stuff since August of 2013 using a bicycle and a trailer that can haul 600lbs.  

Moving Off Campus

Our client was moving off campus and had gotten a bed but needed it moved to her new digs.  Arrangements were made to have me come with trailer and moving equipment and our client would help.  After arriving at the wrong address (I pressed the wrong place when using google Maps) I got to the right place 37 minutes late.  Our client had the mattress, box spring and frame on the porch in protective plastic bags.  To further protect the mattresses we wrapped them in tarps.  Using our mattress slings the task of loading all onto the trailers was made easy.

Once at the move in location the frame was unloaded and moved up the stairs past the freshly painted and wet door and into the bedroom.  The frame was assembled so it would be ready for the box spring.  So then the box spring was brought up unwrapped and installed.  Then the mattress.  All this took less than an hour and our client was billed $40.00.

Advertising, Deliveries, Distribution, Loading and Unloading, Packing and Unpacking,

Furniture Assembly, Appliance Installation, Furniture Moving, Appliance Moving,

Office and Apartment Relocation; we will

MOVE IT! by bike