MOVE IT! by bike

Moving The World To A Greener Future

MOVE IT! by bike has been serving New Orleans by moving stuff since August of 2013 using a bicycle and a trailer that can haul 600lbs.  

Treadmill Workout

Tom and Frank moved a treadmill from the 900 block of Conti to the 1900 block of Esplanade.  Frank filled in for the injured Tim.  Thank you so much Frank!

Tim and Tom with loaded Treadmill

Tim and Tom with loaded Treadmill

Frank and Tom at Cosimo,s with treadmill

Frank and Tom at Cosimo,s with treadmill

Advertising, Deliveries, Distribution, Loading and Unloading, Packing and Unpacking,

Furniture Assembly, Appliance Installation, Furniture Moving, Appliance Moving,

Office and Apartment Relocation; we will

MOVE IT! by bike